嗚謝 Morgan Stanley 摩根士丹利 邀請及全力贊助項目、員工親子義工支持
由 Community Builders 匯藝社區營造 顧問策辦、藝術設計及製作、活動設計及統籌帶領、作品指導及同創
「創藝啟能 成長發展」+「童創空間 校園及社區營造」@天水圍北 Participatory Community Art Activities for Child Empowerment at Chinese Y.M.C.A Primary School on 6th June 2015 & 18th June 2016, in Morgan Stanley’s 10th & 11th Annual Global Volunteer Month
We outreach to teach, inspire, facilitate and work together with children to create community art works and support schools' visual art and creativity education. Having Morgan Stanley's staff-volunteer teams joined our mission, a creative and colourful long mural advocating environmental messages was produced within a day on 6th June 2015. And, on 18th June 2016, ten more creative pieces of site-responsive murals were born to bring more colours, beauty, imagination, energy, fun and surprise to the campus and Tin Shui Wai's community space! Children & volunteers were also motivated to invite local community members to interestingly interact with their joyful art works by playing photo-taking together, in engaging the community in another round of art-making and inducing their interest and concern towards the community space, art and children's school life! Post-events have also been continuously grown by the school - whole school's children tour around and play with the murals after exams, and continue our organized photo competition activity involving public voting!
Our participatory art creation activity facilitates the self-empowerment and personal development of children. The art-as-media activity process lets the participated children build up communication skills, social network and team-working abilities through interaction and collaboration with school-mates, volunteers and community members. It also enhances the children's confidence and self-esteem through their giving and achievement in the service-learning; and develop a stronger sense of belongings on and ownership of their campus and community, as they are engaged in the place-making and decision-making on their own space. It is a meaningful and joyful service, as well as a good interaction platform for life experience sharing and encouragement giving between children, professional and international volunteers, the local community and we Community Builders. Wholehearted thank to Morgan Stanley for selecting and fully sponsoring our designed & organized project, and arranging very helpful and friendly staff-volunteer teams for our school partner to realize the lovely service together! Great to have made these creative Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects!
「寮屋社區藝術」活學同創坊 2017/18 ﹣上水天平山村、石湖新村、靈山村
路德會石湖社區發展計劃 籌辦 ‧ Community Builders 匯藝社區營造 活動策劃帶領、藝術設計、指導及同創
#繪活社區我地方 #策畫活力社區 #壁畫創作 #地畫創作 #社區藝術 #社群參與
#匯藝社區營造 Community Builders #童能創藝 #設計師. 藝術治療執行師. 註冊社工. 前大學高級講師 張健強博士
#社區設計 #社區藝術 #社群藝術 #校園藝術 #視覺藝術 #空間改造 #環境美化 #藝術工作坊 #Art Jam #壁畫 #地畫 #裝置藝術 #社群參與 #兒童參與 #創意教育 #社會工作 #社群能力提升 #兒童發展 #青少年發展 #伙伴合作 #CSR
For Spatial Improvement, Place Making & Community Building
For Child & Youth Education, Development & Self-Empowerment
師生x企業義工 l 校園美化活動
Students x Corporate Volunteers l Participatory Campus Beautification Project Activities
[Project Consultancy & Contractor Services for HFH (02/2011-04/2014), various corporations, NPOs & schools]
師生x企業義工 l 校園綠化活動
Students x Corporate Volunteers l Participatory Campus Greening Project Activities
[Project Consultancy & Contractor Services for HFH (02/2011-04/2014), various corporations, NPOs & schools]
社會服務慈善組織x企業、學校及街坊義工 l 長者及傷健家居維修改善服務活動
「大澳棚屋復修及社區發展計劃」、大澳社區通道 壁畫及地畫創作
「綠色樂居無障礙」家居改善計劃 (共285戶大澳棚屋、荃灣老圍寮屋及多區公屋)
NGO-Corporate Partnership l House Renovation & Living Improvement Project Activities
[Project Consultancy Service for HFH (Tai O stilt house 100 projects, 2011-2012; Lo Wai & Public estate GJH 120+ projects, 2012-2013), various corporations, NPOs & Schools]